We are back!!!!!
After a week of rain it was refreshing to wake up to the shining sun nearly as beautiful as Kathy Mack’s sparkling smile. The spot we camped at last night was gorgeous, located on a little point overlooking Spanish River with us being the only people tenting.
Hitting the road a little after 8:30 was no problem, as Ryan and Scotty had brought enough energy to fuel all of us. The trash talk had officially started over who was going to win the Province of Quebec. Throughout the first hour they went back and forth over who was going to win and why. Finally, Ryan aggressively claimed that “Scotty could not beat him one on one” and that he could only win if he cheated. And with all due respect to Scotty, all of his Province wins had occurred because of well-calculated plans that involved one thing: that Ryan didn’t win at any cost. So I was shocked when Scotty took Ry’s comments personally and challenged him to a fair, mano-a-mano bike-off for the Province of Quebec. It was finally set. NO locking bikes, NO waking up at 5AM for fake Skype dates, and NO cheating whatsoever.
However there was one stipulation. Scotty would ride Baha’s touring bike (which is a road-style bike) and Ry would have to use Baha’s touring bike (which is more of a mountain bike style). Ry, suspicious of this move still agreed to this one on one epic match up. I think this rivalry has the potential to match such rivalries as Highland vs Vanier, Nadal vs Federer, and Coyote vs Road runner (Ry being the road runner). For the next 5 hours of the day Neville and I had to deal with Scotty practicing what he called his ‘passes’ using his “5 step attack”. He would start about 20 metres behind Ryan and start pedaling as quickly as possible passing him on his left and blocking him in. After about 15 of these passes I asked Scotty what his strategy was in beating Ryan and he explained to me his “5 step attack”:
1) Speed (He would start 20 metres behind and gain velocity with his chicken legs pumping at optimal speed)
2) Scan (Watch for oncoming traffic and find the perfect time to pass Ry on his left)
3) Monitor (Once the pass is made Scotty rides in the middle of the lane, putting all his weight on his left side, looking over his right shoulder to make sure Ryan doesn’t try to make a pass)
4) Block (By keeping Ryan on the inside of him, Scotty claims that there is no way of him making a pass)
5) WIN (Coast to another easy Province victory)
Seeing such an athletic person like Scotty make biking look so difficult might actually be the funniest thing ever. I don’t know who is going to win this bike off for the Province, but I am going to be sitting behind these two guys soaking every second of it in.
One thing that I have notice over the lat 35 days or so is how competitive us Mackinnon brothers are. Even over something as silly as a yellow jersey. I think we partially get this from our amazing BAHA. Anyone who had met this amazing man can remember how he had a competitive streak in him. I remember this vividly as a child watching him play Clue with the my Aunts and Uncles! This fun-loving, though often competitive streak ran through his children as well. I remember prior to my Cousin Kyle’s wedding reception a huge soccer game breaking out in the backyard, with Uncle Dave spearheading this fun-filled game, leaving about 20 of us with grass-stains all over our formal attire. In typical Munro-Mackinnon fashion we were back to the reception like a group of adolescent children who had just got caught stealing from a candy story. We are STILL sorry for that illadivised soccer game Dani and Kyle! Anyways, that competitive atmosphere has continued over this whole trip and I honestly think it is a main reason why we make it everyday, as we couldn’t imagine being the only one to quit!
The day went by very smoothly. It is crazy how the weather determines your attitude for the day. Normally we all try to be positive, but it’s some times tough when you are being smashed in the face with 9000 litres of rain. The one thing that never changes is the last 30KM of the day. No matter how far we travel, whether it is 65KM or 170KM , the last 30KM are soooo painful. It is totally a mental block, but we all struggle hugely with this last stretch. It is normally our butts that feel the worse and we all have different ways of making the pain go away. Any time there is a hill we all go into certain poses that relieves the pressure from the buttocks region. Ry Mack stands straight up, evenly distributing his weight on both pedals and coasts down the hill. Scotty and I simultaneously lean hard to the left putting all of our weight on the bike-seat using our left hamstring. We tuck our bodies in the most aerodynamic position as possible, hoping to get the most distance as possible off of the hill. While Neville can literally lay on his bike, using it as his own personal hammock. Watching us all coast down hills at the end of the day is priceless. We refuse to sit down unless we absolutely have to!
The day went by with a couple flat tires, but with the tail wind and beautiful weather we had ZERO complaints. Ontario, minus the black flies, is an absolutely stunning province. We arrived in late last night and were treated to a field to camp on that Neville later named the “bug sanctuary”. Pretty brutal! Anyways, can’t type with Scotty and Ry snoring in my ear. Rusty out!
Sunshine, Sunshine, Sunshine Horse and Carriage? Heading towards the Ottawa River-Cannot wait | Doing some Hughy Mac Garage Sale shopping Cycling along the water is the best | Life is so good! Our entire bodies are covered in bug bites | Double Jumping Shots-Feeling young again! |
Ryan back again. Yesterday was the Summer Solstice. A time where people are often uplifted by a hint of warmer weather, BBQ’s, swimming, camping and other exhilarating outdoor activities. For me however, the summer solstice; which symbolizes the longest day of the year, bikinis and beaches to me. Will never come close to that in the next month. As I am spending two grueling months of my summer with my three bros this is what I am going to experience:
Rusty: taking off layers, complaining about the heat and constantly draping a wet-towel over his head.
Scott: literally bathing in SPF 900, trying to save his brittle skin.
Sean: getting exponentially darker, looking like a Hawaiian surfer, constantly flipping his hair, looking at himself in the mirror and making me feel like an absolute loser.
Today, was one of our best yet. For those of you unfamiliar with Northern Ontario its topography mainly consists of the Canadian Shield. An area that is dominated by igneous rock and also massive rolling hills. The past few days have been unreal as we biked along Lake Superior and just recently today on the shores of Lake Huron. As we left Sault St. Marie, it was officially our send off from the Canadian Shield. This worked out as we had tail wind, beautiful sunny and warm weather and high spirits from our night before. Our day needs hardly any description as it went with no problems as the land was flat but our tires weren’t! HA CHA CHA CHA. Brutal, I know.
Anyways, As we enter the final 24 days of our journey. I wanted to briefly describe the evolution of our skills as touring bikers. Here are some quick things that we have improved on over the trip:
STREET CRED: Our first couple weeks biking we literally had people laughing at us when they asked us what we were doing. Maybe it was Rusty’s pouch, Neville’s trendy jean shorts or Scotty’s legs looking like they couldn’t squat a cotton swab. Who knows. However, now we are pounding fists with hells angels, directing traffic and calling out other bicyclists on their form.
LINGO: When we first started we didn’t know what to call our bags, seats, tires or anything to do with the bikes. Here are some examples of lingo we have picked up.
Rumble Strips- “Rumbies”
Having Snacks-“Snackies”
Fresh Legs- “Freshies”
Whenever you feel tired- “Got Scotties”
COOKING: If anyone has seen any of us boys cook food or eat, it can be quite the struggle. Lately, things have changed. Rusty is making peanut butter sandwiches behind his back. These sandwiches have the perfect ratio between bread and peanut butter. Scotty has been a killing it. I have been really proud of his improvement. His ability to peel an orange is bar none better than anyone I have ever seen. Sean has been unbelievable in finding food for himself. I swear the guy has food hidden everywhere.
Anyways, over the next three or four days we should be making it to Ottawa. Crazy times as we come closer to the Capital of Canada.
Love you bye! Ryan.
Russ flying along Misassaugi River Sean sitting on George Mines Marina Dock | Back to sunshine. Cycling is fun! | Sean Neville somehow made it to the tropics Ry Mack loving the attention | Russ taking a quick break | Our camping spot in Spanish, Ontario
OUR CLAIM TO FAME COUSIN AND BAHA'S GRANDSON KYLE LYNCH! First off, just wanted to give a huge shout out to our cousin and Baha’s grandson Kyle Lynch, who besides being one of the most stand up guys ever, is a Champion Skim Boarder as well! Kyle, the founder of KYDA Skim Boarding apparel just won DB Pro Skim Boarding competition in Tacoma, Washington and we just wanted to say congrats to him.
There are two very cool and inspiring stories that have come to our attention lately.
1) Two brothers from the Comox Valley who we have had the privilege of coaching each year at our annual basketball camp, Nathan and Matthew Rutten emailed recently saying that they had been raising money for Biking for Baha through Lemonade Stands, Bottle Drives, selling beaded bracelets and finding donations through friends and family. We were so touched by these two special kids whose generosity and hard work have gone way beyond anything we could have ever expected. They raised $369 Dollars! Lisa and Marc, you should be proud of your boys as we definitely are.
2) Ann Lewis and her grade 6 class from Aspen Park Elementary school are putting on a fundraising Pancake Breakfast June 25th, 26th and 27th where all profits will go straight to the Michael J Fox Foundation and Biking for Baha. If you are in Comox please check it out! We cannot thank Ann and her wonderful class enough for all of their support and compassion towards the cause.
About to head into Ottawa and the land of politicians, it has been extremely interesting to see how much politics and bureaucracy play a part in all aspects of life. We have got more support than we could ever imagine so we are not trying to whine or winge here, we all just find it kind of interesting how prevalent politics are and how we had no idea they would be in a situation like this. Going east we do not know as many people so we have been attempting to contact the various Parkinson’s Societies of Canada in each province (Wendy Prothero in the Comox Valley one you have been amazingly helpful and supportive so please do not think we are tainted or angry about this-It has been a great learning experience). We have received the same answer in every case, because Michael J Fox Foundation is an American Non-Profit Organization, which is not affiliated with the Parkinson’s Societies of Canada, they cannot help us. It seems as though they are actually quite territorial about this. It has been funny to us as we ignorantly thought we are all fighting for the same cure why wouldn't we all work together. Our Baha was a lawyer so he obviously felt rules, regulations and law were quite important. However one thing I loved about our Baha was he never saw things in black and white. He always stood back looked at stuff objectively and then made the correct decision regardless of the barriers presented in front of that decision. He always found a way around it. This trait went into all aspects and decisions in life and I believe was huge in his unbelievable generosity and compassion. From all of the stories I have heard I believe it is fair to say that Baha was a “terrific lawyer, terrible businessman”. For years our compassionate grandfather would do free law work for struggling families or lend money to a passionate entrepreneur, all because he felt it was the right thing to do. In most cases he never got compensated for his endless hours of work but he once mentioned to me that “If someone did not pay you back, they probably needed the money more than you did” I thought this was a brilliantly positive way to look at it. I have seen this compassion and generosity passed down to all of Baha and Grandma Mary's children, their 2 sons Dave and John, 2 very successful entrepreneurs, follow in Baha’s footsteps constantly whether it is giving a single mom a free tank of gas and some groceries or by organizing and sponsoring jerseys for a youth Filipino basketball tournament. I think Baha would have loved this and would be smiling down from up above watching these two do their work. I hope the four of us acquire this trait and have the resources to have a similar outlook on life.
Brother Russ:
Brother Russ is on a planet off his own. For some reason since the beginning of the trip we designated Russ to take care of all of our electric equipment. He carries around a waterproof case that fits on the front of our bike. Earlier in the trip Russ was heart broken as in one of the massive downpours his 20 free 6-inch Subway coupons got ruined. He was inconsolable. Yesterday going through our damp pannier bags I noticed the 600-dollar Canon Camera that I had brought along for the trip. (It was suppose to be in the Electronics Bag) Angry, I marched over to the bag, opened it up and found everything in Russ’s life that apparently has priority over my expensive camera. I found a half finished jar of Skippy Peanut Butter, toothpaste, sun tan lotion and Russ’s 25 free small pizza Pana-Go coupons that had been double zip locked bagged. What a joke!
After swimming in a gorgeous lake outside of Agama Bay Lake Superior Provincial Park. Russ decided it was his time to put on a show. Wearing his one-piece unitard spandex, he turned to me and asked “Scotty, do you think I am sexy” and started shimming across the parking lot pulling his best Beyonce imitation. Smiling and entertained, I encouraged Russ, knowing just how ridiculous he looked. At that exact moment a car full of university aged women drove by screaming excitedly and cat calling. Russ and I unbelievably shocked, looked at each other in awe. Immediately Russ began to claim that this happens to him all the time and completely embraced the fact that the girls were biebering him. What we did not know was behind Russ, Sean Neville had climbed out of the water, golden hair shimmering in the sun, newly tanned muscles glistening and was half naked trying to change behind the rock adjacent to us. When Russ found out the girls were not screaming at him, he lifelong dream to have Bieber status was taken away in one short second.
Sean Neville:
Sean Neville has taken the reigns of being a celebrity throughout Northern Ontario. In the past weeks I have heard girls scream at him while he takes his shirt off, ask for photographs with him inside a local food joint, faint when he walks past, he is pretty much getting rock star status at the moment. I think he is Jim Morrison reincarnated. This is making my crows feet and grey hair tremendously jealous and they are planning to exact revenge. Get ready sunshine the Crow and the Grey are coming for you.
Ryan “The Ox” Mackinnon:
Ryan never complains, he never gets tired, he just cycles all day, pumping his legs relentlessly. The boys and I have loaded him up with 80% of the equipment, he never gets tired. We eat all of his food, for some odd reason he never gets hungry. We drink all of his water, he never gets thirsty, the guy must have a hump like a camel. (Maybe he stores all of his water in his oversized snose-Ha ha) We have come to the conclusion that Ry Mac has been manufactured by some underground CIA agency specifically designed to cycle across Canada. We have two theories to support our conspiracy theory:
1) Ry Mac has an ON/OFF switch. He can sleep whenever he likes. As soon as Ry Mac decides he is going to sleep, within seconds he is out cold snoring louder than any legitimate human being could. When Ryan awakes, he turns his switch on and has rejuvenated to full battery life. He is stronger than ever. The boys and I have begun to test this theory, when we see that Ryan has turned his switch off, we have begun to mess with him by turning it back on. By kicking him, pinching him, pulling his hair and even frog splashes from the top rope we have began to mess with Ryan’s or should we call him “The Terminators” battery rejuvenation process. We have all noticed a real difference, as Ryan appears sluggish, tired and disorientated. Case in point he is at half battery life.
2) Whatever organization manufactured Ryan they were smart enough to install a weather detection device. Ryan knows when and where the bad weather is coming from. It could be thirty degrees out and sunny but if you see Ryan start to “Turtle” you know something is up. Instantly the weather changes. The “Turtle" is where Ryan slowly creeps his head into his jacket covering his mouth and nose only exposing his beady red eyes and pointy head, similar to a turtle. Immediately after Ryan does this buckets of rain will explode from up above. In typical secret special op tactics Ryan will never inform us of what is happening and we will be soaking wet watching these beady red eyes scan for threats to our civilization. I am excited for the day when Ry exposes himself and I can tell people the only reason I lost in some of the sprint offs for yellow jerseys was because I was competing against The Terminator 4.0 circa 2012.
Scotty Mac Out
Thank you to Matt Hall of Sault Ste Marie for helping us out in a dire time of need. You opened your house to us, were unbelievably interesting and knew everything and anything we wanted to know about Northern Ontario. We needed a friend and you came through bud!
The Mackinnon Boys
Beautiful granite rocks on the side of Lake Superior Scotty still has not figured out GPS! Russ admiring the view on Lake Superior Old Woman's Bay, Swimming in Lake Superior was unreal Ryan has such a special smile | How Mackinnons put on Sun Tan Lotion. One nice Wawa, Ontario local pulled up beside us and nicely said, "That looks real masculine boys"! Lake Superior Neville's Hand Stand Stop looking at me SWAAAAAAAN! Cycling the lake |
Boston Pizza- We killed 3 larges. Thank you Hendry Crew! Russ is so Hungry, we made him wait for a picture. He was so choked!
A big thank you to Bob, Laurel and Jared Hendry. They were far too kind to us MacKinnon boys as they sponsored an unbelievable meal for us at Boston Pizza in Sault St. Marie. I have known this family for years now, been coached in baseball by Bob and ate about 200 pounds of Laurels unreal homemade Mac N' Cheese. Also, have put up with Jared's awful jokes for the past year. One of the nicest families around we absolutely felt spoiled with such an amazing meal. Thank you guys so much! Jared, I have some new "jokes" for you to copy once I arrive back in Comox. - Ryan and the Bros!
PS-Came across this sign the day after eating the meal!
We are back to Jumping Photos Scotty's lucky Moose Socks! We still have yet to see a moose. | Swimming before the flies | Scotty's Ontario Plates | Sean Neville Suiiiiiiiiiiii! | Lake Superior is unreal | The storm begins to chase us. | Snaking through Northern Ontario Sean Neville the Champion of Winnie's Town!