Do you trust me Scotty? Fun Fact: First distress call of the Titanic was placed into Halifax.
The village of the Peggy's Cove Looking out into the Ocean, cannot believe we made it out here. In the middle of the Cove. The Lighthouse.
Thank you to the Biking for BAHA Sponsors. Without their support we would probably be stuck in Hope, B.C. still. Our sponsors have helped us boost our fundraising and shown us how truly generous and supportive people are. Again, sponsors you guys are unbelievable!!! Thank you:
-David W. Grunder Law Corp -Odlum Brown -Ben Davies Financial Planning -Shell Gas (Sechelt) -Adamschek Construction -Subway -Neuromotion Physiotherapy -J.P. Classen -First Insurance -WE International Philippines -Canadian Outback Adventures -Marc Villanueva Realty -Fix Building Products *****We will be posting more blogs later tonight which will include: Halifax Downtown, Peggy's Cove and Pictures/Videos from our emotional arrival to the Atlantic****** An absolutely huge thank you to Paul Clarke and his crew from PEI for putting up with us and showing the hospitality that our smallest province is so well known for. Paul has a natural ability to entertain and make everyone as excited as he is to be part of this island experience. For four well traveled guys Discover Tours is by far the best tour we have ever been on. The guy is so happy to be an Islander his excitement and passion for PEI is immediately contagiously transferred over to you!
This man is a legend!!! The Mackinnon Boys P.S. Huge Thank you to Fair Isle Motel and owner Janet ( Paul's 2nd Cousin) for being so generous and giving us a nice night stay in a wonderful bed and setting. ![]() CBC PIECE ON THE BOYS ARRIVING IN HALIFAX! PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS LINK.
Waking up in a real bed, in a peaceful motel, was again the greatest feeling in the world.The Fair Isle Motel sorted us out with a place that was fantastically out of our league and we could not Thank Them enough. Our Morning consisted of a sausage and egg stunner of a breakfast with our main man Paul Clark (Who legitimately knows all) at the scumptious local PEI diner the Marian's Maid, a radio interview with 100.3 The Ocean and Mr.Scott Chapman, a sprint to the Wood Islands Ferry and eventually finished up with a meeting with Nova Scotian Legend, "Julian" from the Trailer Park Boys, Mr John Paul Tremblay himself! The interview this morning with MC Scott Chapman was cool as the Ocean's location is absolutely brilliant. Situated right down in the heart of Charlottetown, you can look through the glass and see the MC's hard at work. It was really cool for guys like Sean and myself who never had the privilege of being the BIG MEN ON CAMPUS, to be a part of an interview. Needless to say we did not let Scotty or RY do any of the talking. I have to say myself, with all of the editing they do on those radio shows, I sound quite articulate and sensationally well spoken. I am now thinking of a career in either TV or Radio. MC RUSTY RUSS has a nice ring to it. But totally depends on who's gonna show me the money! The cycle from Charlottetown to Wood Islands was special, the coastline was beautiful with the combination of red and white sandstone cliffs, well rested our freshie legs pumped us from an expected arrival of 430PM to 100PM and pushed the Atlantic that much CLOSER!!!! We were pumped as we rolled onto the ferry three hours ahead of schedule. The ferry was an hour and a quarter, we spent the time sliding around the Upper Deck listening to very interesting and energizing Gaelic and Acadian music. If the watering holes in Halifax have music anything like the ferries they are going to have to deal with three hard dancing, celebrating Mackinnon Boys and one limping, crutching old man in Scotty Mac dancing their butts off all night long. With my variety of dance moves, I am by far the best Mackinnon Dancer which I will unleash on Halifax tomorrow night. While on the ferry, I think we quickly realized how much we missed back home! We have seen so many different things this trip that it has given us a whole new appreciation of what a beautiful part of the country we come from. I am so excited to see my black leather couch. Hanging out on this ferry definitely helped us come to the realization of how close we actually are to arriving in Halifax. I think it is actually started to set it that we might make it to the ATLANTIC. Sitting upstairs on the deck admiring the incoming Nova Scotian shores, Ry noticing someone walking towards him, turned to Scotty and said "Scotty, Thats Julian from the Trailer Park Boys" ( Very Popular Cult Canadian TV series set in Nova Scotia), the look a like sauntered over and sat down right beside the boys. Scotty pessimistic as always replied, " RY, you are out of your mind, there is no way that is Julian". Within seconds a nice old man walked up to Julian asked for a photograph, got an autograph and then calmly walked away. Ry and Scotty pretty much tripped over themselves to approach Julian and ask for a photo. Listening to our story Julian was very receptive to the idea of us joining him, Bubbles and Ricky in the Sunnyvale Trailer Park for the night. He was actually really amazed that we biked all the way here, calling us "NUTS", we believe that getting called "G's" by Obie Trice and "NUTS" by Julian has really legitimized us! The race to the Nova Scotia sign was tremendously important. With one province left and Scotty leading Ry by one, this has pretty much become a two horse race. While on the boat, Ry decided to give Scotty a little bit of his own medicine. As you were not allowed on the lower vehicle decks while the ferry was moving, Ry snuck down quickly as an unaware Scotty sat upstairs crushing on Julian. Ry locked Scotty's tire to his frame and waited. When we all went down to cycle off of the boat, Scotty realized within seconds that he was in trouble, trying to figure out the bike lock, he had this crazy, possessed look on his face. As we were being unloaded off of the ferry first, before the traffic, Ry went to move up to the front of the line and cycle off. Scotty realizing his bike was not functional and was going to lose the province, did something drastic, something I never thought I would see him do. Scotty trying to carry his 150 pound bike threw it to the ground, dived out in front of Ry and the other 80 cars trying to unload, started wrestling Ryan off of his bike and almost started a riot with angry Newfoundlanders wondering why none of the cars were unloading. Eventually Ry got lose, won the province and we now sit in gridlock at 3 provinces for RY and 3 for Scotty.They are talking about a race off down Comox Ave to decide the victor! I would love to see that because whoever lost that race would be relentlessly mocked by all of our friends back home forever. I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT WE ARE IN HALIFAX TOMORROW. IT IS SO SURREAL! I HAVE A FEELING WAKING UP TOMORROW IS GOING TO BE LIKE WAKING UP ON CHRISTMAS DAY. I AM REALLY NOT SURE IF I AM GOING TO EVEN BE ABLE TO SLEEP TONIGHT! With Scott Chapman from 100.3 The Ocean, Russ was lucky enough to do a wicked interview with him.
Ryan with John Paul Tremblay "Julian" from the Trailer Park Boys. Random run in on the Wood Islands Ferry to Nova Scotia. Scotty was disappointed Bubbles was not around. Who has better facial hair, Scotty or John Paul Tremblay? Here is where we are tonight Hilden, Nova Scotia less than 100KM to Halifax!
Our day off in P.E.I. was unbelievable. Waking up in the morning, Dan Steele(The President of the P.E.I. Parkinson's Society) was already cooking up some amazing waffles, topped off with fruit and whipping cream. Has to be one of the best breakfasts we have had all trip. A cool time for us as we got to chat with Dan about his experiences with Parkinson’s and get to spend some good time with his family. Dan was diagnosed with Parkinson’s two years ago and also has biked across Canada. So overall, just chatting with him was great for both connections to our story. Michael, his five-year-old son is one of the nicest and energetic kids you will ever meet. He had all of us pitch to him as hit home run after home run. Constantly mocking me in particular for being a terrible hide and go seek player. Loretta was a blast to chat with and hang with while we could in the morning! Just adding to the list of mothers looking after us guys on the trip. We eventually cruised off on a bike ride with Dan and Michael towards the Fair Isle Motel where we were setting up camp for the night. Janet(The owner of the Motel) helped us out big time and for anyone ever looking for a place to stay only a five minute drive from downtown Charlelottetown you must go here. Beautiful gardens surrounding the rooms and very very comfy rooms. Thank you again Janet!
As we are on bikes, every time that we have had a day off they have been pretty limited in how far we explore an area. Today our experience was completely different. Our guy Paul Clark took us on a tour of a lifetime. Paul might be the nicest guy you have ever met and the best storyteller of all time. He completely embodies what Prince Edward Island is all about. Welcoming, compassionate, friendly and hilarious. We drove all over the Island, through the rolling hills in the interior, Malpeque Bay, Cavendish Beach, North Rustico, Brackely Beach and for unreal Lobster Supper at the Fisherman’s Wharf(North Rustico). Russ absolutely lost his mind to his. We had a 60 ft. salad bar, unlimited desserts and of course a delicious lobster. It was definitely pretty difficult for us boys to keep any food off of our faces. If you ever head to PEI head there! The day was unbelievable. We toured pretty much all over the North Shore of the Island. The best part was having Paul to tour us around. The guy can tell a story like nobody else. He had us laughing the entire trip and had interesting facts for every nook and cranny we came to. Overall, an unbelievable day and showed us the reason why Prince Edward Island is a top destination in Canada. Beautiful place with super nice people. Smallest province with the biggest heart! Tomorrow we are off to the ferry to Nova Scotia and slowly crawling for Halifax. Around 220 Km until the Atlantic Ocean! Love you bye. Ryan |