(Day 42): King-what, KINGSTON!

Sean Neville:

Wednesday night we got picked up by our new best friend Duncan Cowan. Duncan a great friend of Scotty’s and picked us up from Ottawa, to give us an extra rest day. Little did we know, we were falling into the hands of the nicest family ever! On our drive from Ottawa to Kingston, we had two full coolers of massive sandwiches, Gatorades, fruit salad that was all prepared by Duncan’s amazing wife Shannon.  To say the least, I woke up the next morning still full from our meal in the van and the massive Chili that she made once we arrived.  After arriving on Wednesday night, this is what we arrived to:

-An unreal RV stocked full of pretty much whatever we wanted to eat.

-A refreshing pool in the backyard

-Leather couches (I know Rusty would like this one)



Thursday morning we got to get a true introduction to Duncan, Shannon and their three unbelievable children Abigail, Garret and Decklin.  To briefly describe these three great kids, I can only think of one word, energy. From the moment we got there, they were far too much fun to hang out with. Abigail is a free-spirit, cute as heck, and is a future “so you think you can dance” winner… Garret is a superstar golfer already at the age of five and is very caring. Within an hour he was telling Ryan genuinely that he loved him. Decklin is always moving, full of laughs and will be the next magician Houdini, as he disappears without any notice to get himself into trouble!. He reminds me of a young Rusty running around naked on Ridgemount Drive in Comox. Within minutes they also decided to give us all nicknames. I became “Caveman”, Ryan became “baby Ryan”, Scott became “Spot” and Rusty became “Rusty” . Why would they change Rusty’s name, it suits him perfectly!

In the afternoon, Duncan gave us the full hometown tour of Kingston.  We went past Fort Henry, which is a historical landmark because it was the first line of defense against the Americans when entering Ontario. Its importance was because it could overlook three different important bodies of water. The St.Lawrence, Rideau Canal and Lake Ontario. We moved onto downtown Kingston which is known as the “Limestone city”.  Pretty cool spot to see all of these beautiful buildings especially along Queens University. The University, in which Scotty Mack only got into because of his “mature student” title, was stunning. Queens suited Scotty as it was actually very comparable to him. The school itself is very old, yet has these beautiful vines growing on it. Scotty, obviously being old, also has beautiful vines growing on his face. (Some people may call them ugly crowsfeet).

The Mackinnons after a very relaxing day were given the task of baby-sitting the three kids. I don’t know if the Cowans are just very trustworthy people or they have no idea how inexperienced we are with children, but someone we ended up looking after the kids. Our strategy for baby-sitting to say the least struggled. Instead of taking shifts with these high-energized kids we decided to have a massive dance party with them, play hide and go seek and other such games. We were ALL gassed about an hour later, whereas the kids seemed to have more energy then earlier in the day! I know for a fact I am not ready for kids any time soon, and I want to personally give credit to all the Mothers and Fathers out there! My respect for my own mother has grown tenfold for having to deal with us growing up haha.

Overall, the day and night was so relaxing. Our butts are starting to slowly heal and the weather has picked up. You can tell it gets over 25 degrees by watching Rusty’s body language.

-He deals with heat like a dog, tongue slowly protrudes from his mouth, begins to breathe heavily and sometimes wheezes.

-The sweat begins to drip off of his face and his classic smirk turns into a lazy drool.

-Recently his new thing is pouring full water bottles on his head.  Anytime the thermometer reads higher than 24, water is poured on his head. 

The heat-wave has begun and could possibly be our new kryptonite! Neville out!

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     Mackinnon Brothers

    With this blog The Mackinnon Boys hope to keep sponsors, friends, family and anyone interested updated on our travels, experiences and thoughts. All four boys will be making entries as well as our father Mr. Hugh Mackinnon who will be accompanying us for parts of the trip in his 1967 VW van.


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